Can Google AI save Australia's giant kelp forests?

Rising sea temperatures are killing Australia's 'invisible' forests.

Giant kelp may not be a household name, but chances are you live quite close to some.

It grows in towering underwater columns that once stretched from Western Australia to Queensland as part of our Great Southern Reef; a home and hunting ground to thousands of unique species that are being lost to changing ocean currents.

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The impact is particularly bad in Tasmania where Professor Craig Johnson says water temperatures are rising four times faster than the global average.

"It's an ecological tragedy," explained the marine ecologist.

"Most Australians aren't really aware that we've lost 95 per cent of these forests in Eastern Tasmania because they are out of sight and out of mind."

"We'd have a very different response if we were losing 95 per cent of the Daintree Rainforest."

Professor Johnson, who has been studying the decline for 27 years, has partnered with a litany of organisations from the CSIRO to The Nature Conservancy to the Great Southern Reef Foundation and the Kelp Forest Alliance in his quest for a solution; a quest that is now being supercharged by Google.

As part of its $1 billion Digital Futures Initiative, the tech giant has agreed to lend its expertise in artificial intelligence to the cause.

Scott Riddle, Google Australia's Head of Digital Future Initiatives Partnerships, told he had found a "great match between Google's capability and the problem".

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"We're bringing AI on the mapping front and AI on the genomics front but it's only by working with the partners that we get the full connection to impact," he said.

"We've had all of this capability for a long time and the genomic skills that we're using were open source back in 2017.

"So it's not that the capability is new. It's more that we've found a match to the problem."

The first of those problems is being able to more accurately track populations of giant kelp.

Spotting remnants up Tasmania's River Derwent wasn't easy. Most are hidden in alcoves and are easy to overlook when you're aboard a moving boat. Others have managed to survive in locations scientists wouldn't expect because of their proximity to (apparently) nutrient-rich sewerage outlets.

Manually tracking natural forests - plus the 16 where researchers are attempting to regrow giant kelp between Saint Helens and South Bruny Island - is as expensive as it is time-consuming. The prospect of scaling that effort to 7000 square kilometres of Australian coastline would be impossible without the help of technology.

Enter Leah Kaplan, who leads Google Cloud's Sustainability Business in the Asia Pacific.

Leah's team has combined machine learning with satellite imagery to automatically track giant kelp from the sky.

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"We can't protect what we can't measure," Leah says.

"Without a baseline map of where things are where things were recently, we'll have no idea of the effectiveness of our conservation efforts."

"It's still in the process of being verified but what we can say is this is a huge improvement on how it was done previously."

Leah's program leans on high-resolution pictures taken from satellites run by a company called Planet. Each pixel in those images represents just four square metres and captures data we humans cannot see.

"The sensors capture the visible spectrum but also non-visible parts," explains Leah.

"We can use those parts, like near infrared, to identify vegetation beyond what you can see with the naked eye."

"We're using Tasmania to verify the results but once they are verified, it will be expanded out to the entire 7000 square kilometres of interest which is basically all around the southern coast of Australia."

Data from those satellites has been captured since 2016 and will give scientists an insight into locations where giant kelp is disappearing and, in some cases, reappearing once the tool is officially launched.

But tracking Australia's population of giant kelp is only half of the solution.

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Part two requires scientists to bring specimens still surviving in warmer waters back to the lab where they can study its DNA.

Dr Anasuya Willis has been leading that effort at the CSIRO, now with the help of Google.

"We need artificial intelligence to uncover the patterns in these huge amounts of data," said Dr Willis, Director of the Australian National Algae Culture Collection.

"The human brain is good but it's not that good."

"Heat tolerance is really complicated.

"We are looking at the genetic diversity of what's left and trying to understand that and breed that back into the forest."

"We're going to be doing a lot of crosses, a lot of assisted parents into bringing the right children that are resistant to thermal tolerance and also have the background of genetic diversity for adaptation."

"It's cool. We're working in the future now."

For giant kelp that future is still far from certain but looking increasingly bright.

Professor Johnson describes having Google's help is "a complete game changer."

Under the right conditions, a giant kelp's microscopic offspring can grow up to 10 metres tall in a single year. Solving rising sea temperatures and changing oceanography will take far longer than that but knowing an impact can be made at speed is giving Dr Aaron Eger, Founder of the Kelp Forest Alliance, hope.

"Many species like the leafy seadragon which are beautiful, iconic species of the marine environment in Australia are found only here," explained Dr Eger.

"We do need awareness because many people live right next door to a kelp forest and have no idea and that flows through to a lack of policy and funding because the government doesn't care about it if the people don't care about it."

"The Great Barrier Reef by comparison is this pocket up in north-eastern Australia and that receives 99 per cent of the funding and kelp forests receive a fraction of just 1%."

"So I really hope this is the beginning of a paradigm shift or a narrative shift where we rethink our relationship with the environment and it really flourishes as a result of that."

You can learn more about this collaboration on Google's blog or by visiting 'The Invisible Forest' collection on the company's Arts and Culture website.

9News travelled to Tasmania as a guest of Google for the purpose of this story.

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