Big gender pay gap in private businesses revealed

For the first time, the difference between what men and women are paid, as a median, at some of Australia's largest companies has been revealed.

Data published today under new laws shows the gender pay gap at 5000 private businesses with at least 100 employees, including some of the country's best-known brands.

It highlights how women lag behind men in median salaries at companies that include major airlines, banks and even some companies where women make up the majority of the workforce or are prominent customers, such as fashion houses.

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The federal government says the pay gap costs the Australian economy almost $52 billion every year.

It hopes the publication of the data will spur employers to close the pay gap.

Today's new data from the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) is from two sets of pay-gap figures.

The first is the median gap in base salary, which does not include superannuation, bonuses, overtime and other payments to employees. The pay of part-time and casual workers has been converted into full-time equivalent salaries.

The second is the median gap in total remuneration, which includes salary and all the other employee payments.

It is also worth noting the information shows median pay gaps, not average ones, to avoid the results being overly influenced by senior executive pay.

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In Australia, the median gender pay gap is at 19 per cent. In dollar terms it means that a woman is paid is $18,461 less than the median of what a man is paid.

But there is also significant variation in the gender pay gap across different industries, ranging from the construction Industry where the mid-point employer gender pay gap is 31.8 per cent, to the accommodation and food services industry with a mid-point employer gender pay gap of 1.9 per cent.

After analysing the data from employers, the WGEA found businesses with pay gaps above 5 per cent have pay structures that favour men, while employers with pay gaps of less than -5 per cent favour women.

Its findings showed an overwhelming 62 per cent of pay gaps are more than 5 per cent and in favour of men.

The rest (8 per cent) are less than -5 per cent and in favour of women.

Across all employers, 50 per cent have a gender pay gap of more than 9.1 per cent.

Minister for Women Katy Gallagher, said the publication of employer gender pay gaps was a historic moment.

"The gender pay gap is a persistent and complex problem that costs the Australian economy $51.8 billion every year.

"Transparency and accountability are critical for driving change. By shining a light on gender pay gaps at an employer level, we are arming individuals and organisations with the evidence they need to take meaningful action to accelerate closing the gender pay gap in Australian workplaces."

from 9News
